Alberto Simpser
Professor and Chair,
Department of Political Science

Academic Publications
Why Governments and Parties Manipulate Elections. 2013. Cambridge University Press. Series on the Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions
Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes. 2014. Coedited with Tom Ginsburg. Cambridge University Press. Series on Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy.
Interacting as Equals: How Contact Can Promote Tolerance Among Opposing Partisans, with Kenneth Greene, Erin Rossiter, and Enrique Seira, Nature Human Behavior, accepted for publication.
Corruption, Norms, and the Law, in Menard and Shirley, eds., Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Springer Nature, forthcoming.
Online Political Information: Facebook Ads, Electorate Saturation, and Electoral Accountability in Mexico, with José Ramón Enríquez, Horacio Larreguy, and John Marshall, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024.
Voting with One's Neighbors: Evidence from Migration within Mexico, with Frederico Finan and Enrique Seira, Journal of Public Economics, 2021.
Do you have COVID-19? How to increase the use of contact tracing apps, with Déborah Martínez V., Cristina Parilli, Ana María Rojas M., and Carlos Scartascini, PLoS ONE, 2021.
Let’s (not) get together! The role of social norms on social distancing during COVID-19, with Carlos Scartascini, Déborah Martínez, and Cristina Parilli, PLoS ONE, 2021.
The Political Economy of Carbon Pricing: Lessons from the Mexican Carbon Tax Experience for the Mexican Cap-and-Trade System, with Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia and Vidal Romero in Simone Lucatello, ed., Towards an Emissions Trading System in Mexico: Rationale, Governance, and Design Perspectives, Springer Climate Series, Springer Nature, 2021.
The Quality of Vote Tallies: Causes and Consequences, with Cristian Challú and Enrique Seira, American Political Science Review, 2020.
The Culture of Corruption Across Generations: an Empirical Study of Intergenerational Bribery Attitudes Behavior, Journal of Politics, 2020.
Recipient of SAGE Best Paper Award, Comparative Politics Section, American Political Science Association (formerly titled: "Intergenerational Persistence of Attitudes Toward Corruption.")
Electoral Handouts and Electoral Integrity during Mexico’s 2018 Elections, with Kenneth Greene, Política y Gobierno, 2020.
Dead but not Gone: Contemporary Legacies of Communism, Imperialism, and Authoritarianism, with Dan Slater and Jason Wittenberg, Annual Review of Political Science. 2018.
Circles of Trust: A Proposal for Better Migrant Screening, with Tom Ginsburg, Journal of Legal Studies. 2018.
Coverage in Vox.
When the (Facebook) Status and the (Socioeconomic) Status Went down to the Street: Communications, Political Involvement and the Climate of Opinion in the Summer 2011 Protest, with Jacob Shamir and Yossi David, Megamot, 1 (July), 2017.
Election Rigging, entry in SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. 2017.
Electoral Clientelism and Vote Buying in Mexico (in Spanish), in Ugalde and Hernández Quintana, eds., Fortalezas y Debilidades del Sistema Electoral Mexicano 1990-2015. 2017.
The Political Economy of Social Spending by Local Government: A Study of the 3x1 Program for Migrants in Mexico, with L. Duquette-Rury, J.A. Hernández-Company, and J.F. Ibarra, Latin American Research Review, 51(1), 2016.
Electoral Manipulation as Bureaucratic Control, with Scott Gehlbach, American Journal of Political Science, 59(1), 2015.
Does Electoral Manipulation Discourage Voter Turnout?, Journal of Politics 74:3, 2012.
Can International Election Monitoring Harm Governance?, with Daniela Donno, Journal of Politics 74:2, 2012.
Comparing the Accuracy of RDD Telephone Surveys and Internet Surveys Conducted with Probability and Non-Probability Samples, with Yager, Krosnick, and others, Political Opinion Quarterly 75:4, 2011.
Unintended Consequences of Election Monitoring, in Election Fraud: Detecting and Deterring Electoral Manipulation, edited by Alvarez, Hall, and Hyde, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Research in Progress
The central role of social dynamics in nudging social norms for collective health: Evidence on mask-wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic in Barranquilla, with Deborah Martinez, Ana Maria Rojas, and Carlos Scartascini (under review).
Confounding, Spillovers and Interactions Influence Estimates of Social Distancing Policy Effects, with José Ramón Enríquez and Horacio Larreguy.
Donating Time for Democracy: A Field Experimental Study on Citizen Provision of Political Public Goods, with Andrei Gomberg, Ulrike Malmendier, and Enrique Seira.
Recipient of JPAL grant, Governance Initiative. Link to Project Summary.
Climate of Opinion as a Driver of Collective Action: Evidence from the 2011 Israeli Social Protest Movement, with Yossi David and Jacob Shamir.
Who Has a Use for the Law? A Theory of the Political Roots of the Rule of Law, with César Martinelli and Andrei Gomberg.
Media and Opinion
The impact of human error in vote tallies: evidence from Mexico (with Cristian Challú and Enrique Seira), VoxDev - Institutions and Political Economy, 2021.
Interviewed on the topic of corruption for El Tiempo, Bogotá, Colombia (video, in Spanish), 2017.
"Tracking the Provenance of Corruption," interview in SAGE Social Science Space and SAGE Connection, 2014.
"Cinco Millones de Votos, ¿Comprados?" Reforma, Enfoque (Sunday magazine), 2012 (in Spanish).
"Could the PRI have bought its electoral result in the 2012 Mexican election?" in The Monkey Cage, 2012.
"No Choice," interview in Esquire Magazine, Russia, 2011 (in Russian).
"What's the Big Idea? If you're going to rig an election, cheat big," The Washington Post, Sunday Outlook, 2009.
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